- Fixed bug where a few udp packets would not be sent encrypted.
Program would crash if packet received is not encrypted.
- Changed X button to minimize instead of close (like skype.)
To close the application, you click on the notifyicon at the taskbar.
Then click "Exit".
- Fixed bug where saving other peoples profile pictures would not save as "[NICKNAME] - PP.png"
+ Added Encryption to chat
The encryption is randomly generated on every message, and includes the key.
So this will be undetected by any kind of network monitoring.
Encryption works with all english letters and default symbols for keyboard layout.
Both English and Norwegian are tested and are working.
Because of the encryption, we shifted up to version 2.0.
Run wireshark for more details.
+ Added simple button which hides nearly everything except the two textboxes and the simple button.
+ A new box has been added in top-left corner. When this blinks, an exception is being handled.
You are also able to move the application via this box.
- Fixed bug where "you wanna connect back?" showed up when other person disconnects.
- Fixed bug where "Include IP >" button would move textboxes too far to the right
- Fixed bug where simple mode would not remember previous location and scaling of textboxes.
- Fixed bug where encryption would not be sent on every udp packet.
+ Added Group chat with button called (Include).
Instead of creating a group chat, we call it INCLUDING IP-addresses.
When adding an IP, it will be sent all your included IP-addresses,
which makes him able to see what he's invited to.
The IP-addresses you are already talking to will also be notified
and will be adding the same person
+ Closing Event has been added ([NICKNAME] left the group), and ([NICKNAME] disconnected).
+ A new box has been added in top-left corner. When this blinks, an exception is being handled.
You are also able to move the application via this box.
- Cheat mode now disables ([IP] is trying to connect, connect back?).
- You can now see your own linked images in picturebox.
- Changed autoscaling to DPI again.
- string Include change event makes sure you does not connect to yourself.
+ Changed icon to exe file, Jibril.
+ Added settings button to the left for IMG and LOG.
It includes Profile Picture and About.
+ Added profile pictures. link url and set it as profile picture
Can Take .gif .png .jpg .jpeg and .ico
+ Added sound POI.
- Changed autoscaling to DPI again.
- popup bubble now closes if cursor leaves menu.
+ Added refresh if you click color or your IP. It refreshes the same thing that load do
- Resizing grip (right-bottom corner) looks a lot better.
- Fixed fullscreen not going fullscreen. (dobbleclick form)
- Changed autoscaling to none instead of scaling by DPI.
- popup bubble now closes if cursor leaves menu.
- Changed to amateur moving form instead of windows built-in moving.
Reason for this, is that resizing and moving are crashing,
so it will be like this for a while..
+ Added resize, scaling and fullscreen. Dobble click anywhere and it will be fullscreen.
Can only resize from Bottom-Right corner.
+ Program now checks your .NET Framework version.
If version is less than 4.5.2, you'll get a Warning.
+ Added Title to Application.
The title will display "UDPChat + Nickname"
- Fixed download update being applied before being downloaded.
Only problem for people with slow internet.
- Removed "Show Everything Checkbox."
+ "No connection" and "version number" label are now click-through-able
+ Added toolbox for hovering over color. (tells you what the different colors mean)
- Fixed color being invincible after clicked cheat mode button.
NOTE: This wasn't a big update, and it was mostly to test the new update system.
So the version went from to
+ Added updater. It will look at a text document on our website, and see if the version matches.
If it does, a popup will come up telling you there is an update.
This updater checks every half hour for an update.
When clicked the update button, it will download the new version, then wait 5 seconds,
then run a batch file which redirect where it should be, then runs it.
If you click update, then clicks no, you'll get your ass slapped..... :)
+ Added menu to notification bubble.
It includes Update, Changelog, Don't run on startup (not working at the time) and a close option.
+ Added version number on top right corner.
+ Added Icon to .exe file.
+ Added Title, Description, Company, Product, Copyright, File Version and Neutral language
to Assembly Information.
- Fixed status button. If no IP in textbox, it would crash.
- No more able to send nothing. Pressing Enter without anything in textbox will not do anything.
- Will not make ding sound when pressed Arrow-UP key
- Small change to startup sound.
- Lowered sound volume.
+ Added "status button", send udp packet("POQWNI4UTGV09W3845")
and receives ("B9W034NH6YOOSH983").
If status is ok, then status button color and color will change to blue.
+ Added checkbox(Show Everything), which shows hidden fast-saving boxes.
If clicked twice, it will hide everything including itself.. lol.
- Fixed crash on creating nickname log file.
- Replaced sounds to better ones.
- Decreased size of audiofiles (46MB => 4.4MB).
- Removed red color when cheat mode hit twice.
+ A bounch of sounds have been added. (startup, notification, words(whip, kawaii and *poke*)).
when the word "whip" is sent, you'll receive it as: "[NICKNAME] just whipped you.. <3"
same with kawaii and poke, but not notification and startup sounds.
.wav files at full quality are huge, that's why it has gone up to 50MB.
+ The other person you're talking to can now see if you have changed nickname while in a conversation.
+ Program now saves your last used nickname in log folder.
+ Added a form2 window only for .gif files.
- Fixed a few crashes when first time starting the program.
- Fixed crash when new message while program is minimized/not in focus.
- IP Address textbox can't contain any spaces anymore, and you'll get a popup if IP is not valid.
Hostnames will not work.
(Found any bugs? Contact us ;D)