Extensions for CommandCenter
MemoryLove is a virus which can be controlled via CommandCenter
It uses UDP, and sends commands to MemoryLove
You connect to infected computer by doing "connect [IP ADDRESS]", then "sndport 1333" and then do the command "chat"
Everything you write from there, will be the command to the IP which goes to MemoryLove.
It will be sent back to check if it got received.
MemoryLove will run at startup hidden and invisible
Working commands at the moment working with MemoryLove is:
"drain memory", "LAG", "command [TARGET]", "tunnel [PORT]", "setmsg [MESSAGE]", "method [UDP/HTTP]", "START LOVE", "shutdown"
If you do not want to do this locally, you can access their router when on visit, and find their default username, password
Then you port forward the ip of their computer via port 1333.
Receiver.py is a python application that receives UDP packets to be controlled by CommandCenter
First, you do "connect [IP ADDRESS]", then do the command "control". "control [IP ADDRESS]" also works.
Nothing will happen before you run the Receiver.py on the other end. You can also put it in startup somehow.
When running, you can use all the letters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !"#�%&/()=?'-.,
Shift key, and Control key works, but not TAB and ALT.
Navigate mouse using the NUMPAD
When closing connection, press ESCAPE.
When in CONTROL modus, CommandCenter will send each letter pressed rather than word written.
This script requires XTE Automation installed on the computer running the script.
sudo apt-get install xdotool
sudo apt-get install xautomation
sudo apt-get install xwd
It uses port 2522. more help, do help control